For Business Owners Struggling To Get Loans Or Credit To Grow Their Business...
We achieve this by guiding you as you build a kick-ass business credit profile with the credit bureaus, without...
Wasting time applying for loans only to GET DENIED.
Taking 2-3 years to finally qualify for funding.
Risking your personal assets (your house, savings, college funds...).
Triggering the automatic rejections which are often based on fraud detection algorithms, not necessarily a reflection of your business's worth or potential.
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For Business Owners Struggling To Get Loans Or Credit To Grow Their Business...
We achieve this by helping you build a kick-ass business credit profile with the credit bureaus without...
This little-known strategy is so powerful because it...
And as a result...this frees you up to grow the business you dreamed of when you started ...
To spend more time with your friends or family....
To retire with dignity....
To travel the world....
Abundance to focus on your health & wellness....
To turn worry about the future into unlimited growth...
... this is The Business Fundability Playbook.
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Before I created
The Business Fundability Playbook
- I was exhausted & struggling with my ability to scale for years and was on the verge of giving up. I had worked in Reality TV for over 20 years. I didn't like the 14 hour days and the unpredictable nature of that work.
In order to create more freedom, I started producing content for clients but I was working 12 hour days sometimes 7 days a week at my agency where I shot & produced crowdfunding videos for clients.
I got myself into frustrating situations I never intended to...I was doing too many jobs in this roll and because I was spread so thin I was unable to hire all the help I desperately needed.
Which led me to questioning everything about finding access to business capital and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from all the ways that were not working.
After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - I've finally reached a point where I have unlimited ability to fund my business...using business credit.
Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire The Business Fundability Playbook system.
I put together this business funding education called The Business Fundability Playbook.
No More:
❌Getting denied for business loans or credit
❌ Wasting time with lenders who won’t approve you
❌ Running your business without proper financial structure
❌Being flagged as high risk by banks and creditors
❌Facing setbacks from inconsistent business information
❌Struggling with cash flow because of low credit limits
❌Risking personal assets due to poor business structure
❌Guessing what lenders want to see in your applications
Instead You'll Get:
✅ Access to more funding options and higher credit limits
✅ Approval from lenders that see your business as low risk
✅ A step-by-step guide to building business credit properly
✅ Increased legitimacy with consistent business data across all platforms
✅ Improved cash flow with better financing terms
✅ Clear instructions on structuring your business for long-term success
✅ A business profile that attracts investors and credit issuers
✅ Peace of mind knowing your business is fundable and set up for growth
What is Business Credit and Business Funding Really About?? … It's More Than Just Money … Much More …
Business credit and business funding means
you can get money to:
Grow an existing business
Start a business
Hire employees
Get new equipment
Open new locations
Get vehicles, fuel and maintenance
Advertise to get new clients and customers
There are hundreds of reasons to get business credit and business financing. But here’s what business credit and business financing is really about.
It’s about your goals … your future … your prosperity and being able to look after those you care about the most.
Here's What You'll Get
Inside The E-Book
The Business Fundability Playbook
Learn how to get access to more funding options and higher credit limits (page 6).
Simple steps towards approval from lenders that see your business as low risk (page 7).
Simple steps towards approval from lenders that see your business as low risk
(page 11).
Reduce the fear of making mistakes by following a proven playbook,
offering a clearer path through the complex world of business
Increased legitimacy with consistent business data across all platforms
(page 9).
Improved cash flow with better financing terms.
Feel empowered by knowing the ins and outs of building business credit, giving you the knowledge to take proactive steps toward success.
Learn how to manage your trade accounts and financial data to boost your business credit scores effectively.
Learn how to properly structure your business to avoid the risks associated with using personal assets, providing a layer of financial security (page 11).
Understand how to systematically align your business information, allowing you to take control of your business's public perception and credibility.
Reduce the fear of making mistakes by following a proven playbook, offering a clearer path through the complex world of business finance.
Feel hopeful knowing that you’re taking the necessary steps to open up new financial opportunities, paving the way for sustainable business growth.
Discover how to establish your business as a legitimate and trustworthy entity in the eyes of lenders and potential clients.
The Business
Fundability Playbook
(Normal price: $27.00)
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Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
Now Available For Instant Access
Learn how to get access to more funding options and higher credit limits.
Gain a sense of confidence by understanding exactly what lenders
are looking for, making you feel more in control of your business's financial future.
Simple steps towards approval from lenders that see your business as low risk.
Reduce the fear of making mistakes by following a proven playbook, offering a clearer path through the complex world of business finance.
Increased legitimacy with consistent business data across all platforms.
Improved cash flow with better financing terms.
I’ve put everything that I’ve learned in my years working as an expert copywriter into this course.
So you can benefit from my experience writing across many niches including business, operations, mindset, life, and fitness coaching all the way through to writing for foodie influencers.
Giving you the opportunity to skip all the challenges I had to overcome to write copy that converts every time. And the unique position to benefit from all of the time, effort, and money that has gone into developing the strategies laid out in this program.
Here's Everything
Included For Just $2.10
How to get access to more funding options and higher credit limits:
Broader range of financing options.
No longer have to worry about limited financing or predatory
Take on bigger projects, invest in growth, and maintain strong
cash flow.
Approval from lenders that see your business as low risk.
Build a credit profile that aligns with what
lenders want to see.
Easier approvals and better terms because your business will be
viewed as a low-risk investment.
You'll now have lenders eager to work with you.
A step-by-step guide to building business credit properly.
This book provides a clear, actionable roadmap that simplifies the
No more guessing or making costly mistakes along the way.
Be confident that each step you take will get you closer to
securing the financing you need for growth.
Increased legitimacy with consistent business data across all platforms
By aligning your business information—name, address, phone
number, and more—across all platforms, you eliminate red flags.
This consistency boosts your business’s legitimacy, not only
with financial institutions but also with potential partners and
Improved cash flow with better financing terms.
Once your business is fundable, you're no longer stuck with
high-interest rates or restrictive terms.
Better financing terms translate to healthier cash flow, allowing
you to reinvest in your business, manage operational expenses more
effectively, and avoid financial bottlenecks that slow growth.
Here's Everything You're Getting Today For Just $2.10
How to get access to more funding options and higher credit limits:
Broader range of financing options.
No longer have to worry about limited financing or predatory terms.
Take on bigger projects, invest in growth, and maintain strong cash flow.
Approval from lenders that see your business as low risk.
Build a credit profile that aligns with what lenders want to see.
Easier approvals and better terms because your business will be viewed as a low-risk investment.
You'll now have lenders eager to work with you.
A step-by-step guide to building business credit properly.
This book provides a clear, actionable roadmap that simplifies the process.
No more guessing or making costly mistakes along the way.
Be confident that each step you take will get you closer to securing the financing you need for growth.
Improved cash flow with better financing terms.
Once your business is fundable, you're no longer stuck with high-interest rates or restrictive terms.
Better financing terms translate to healthier cash flow, allowing you to reinvest in your business, manage operational expenses more effectively, and avoid financial bottlenecks that slow growth.
Clear instructions on structuring your business for long-term success.
Detailed guidance on choosing the right business structure and
financial practices to ensure stability.
Enhance your fundability but also set the stage for scalable growth.
A business profile that attracts investors and credit issuers.
Learn how you'll stand out as a business worth backing.
How to build a strong profile which creates opportunities for partnerships and growth initiatives that might not have been possible before.
The Business Fundability Playbook.
Comprehensive introduction to understand the 'big picture'.
Downloadable for listening later.
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